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Robert Stone has the experience, knowledge, and discipline required to be a sociable and reliable pilot. The safety of his passengers is always at the forefront of every flight. Robert served our country for nearly a decade as a former United States Air Force Staff Sergeant and Aircraft Armament Specialist. He also worked as a Helicopter Flight Instructor, helping students succeed with a 100% pass rate. Royal Stag Aviation is pleased to have Robert on our team so we can soar to new heights!

Pilot Derrick Rockey

Derrick Rockey is an experienced pilot with a masters in Aeronautics specializing in Aviation Safety. He first became interested in flying at the age of 7, when he went for his first flight and was captivated by Coast Guard Helicopters that would fly over his house. In 2013, he graduated from the US Coast Guard Academy and was accepted into Naval Flight Training in Pensacola, FL, in 2015. Since then, he has accrued over 1400 hours of flying Search and Rescue along the coast of the Pacific Northwest, in response to Gulf Coast hurricanes, and throughout the Great Lakes. Derrick is also an MH-60 Military Instructor Pilot and a commercially rated Airplane and Helicopter pilot. Royal Stag is thrilled to have him on our team!

Will – Owner of Royal Stag Aviation

Will is the owner of Royal Stag Aviation and has always loved flying. Driven by his passion for aviation, Will established Royal Stag Aviation to provide exceptional flight experiences in Northern Michigan. He is dedicated to ensuring that his clients receive the highest levels of safety, comfort, and enjoyment during their flights. His expertise and passion for aviation are the driving forces behind the company’s success, and he is committed to providing exceptional flight experiences for years to come!

Lauryn – Executive Manager

Lauryn is a skilled administrative professional with over five years of experience. She is the point of contact for all visitors and customers at Royal Stag Aviation. Lauryn is also responsible for scheduling tours and ensuring every client has a memorable flight! Although Lauryn only recently took her first helicopter flight, she fell in love with the experience and has become passionate about aviation. Her enthusiasm and attention to detail make her an excellent asset to our team!